October 22, 2024

School of Christian Living


Upcoming Silent Retreats

The School of Christian Living at Dayspring offers an opportunity to explore the Christian faith and our life in community.

According to Gordon Cosby, co-founder of The Church of the Saviour with his wife Mary Cosby, "Every local church needs to be a seminary to train people for radical faith." The radical nature of Christian community demands our continuing conversion to total commitment to Christ's way for our life.

The School provides a context to know each other more deeply, engage in prayer together, and grapple with course content, expecting that God's Spirit will be at work in us. We offer courses basic to Christian faith: Old Testament, New Testament, Christian doctrine, Christian growth, ethics, and community.

Because we believe commitment to be key to the lively experience of the School, participants are asked to attend all sessions except for reasons of illness; to engage in prayer as agreed in the group; and to complete homework assignments of reading and reflections.

Sharing a meal prior to each class is an important part of the course. Simple meals are prepared by participants on a rotating basis.

Fall and spring courses meet on Thursdays for nine weeks. Class begins with supper at 6:30 PM. 

Look for course announcements on our calendar at this website.