April 25, 2024

A New Horizon of Hope: A Five Day Retreat back

August 13 - August 14, 2020

This retreats runs Wednesday through Sunday.

Theme: A New Horizon of Hope (5-Day Retreat). “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up, do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” (Isaiah 43:19) We are poised at the threshold; the Holy One is calling our species to a new horizon of hope – an era of spiritual awareness, revelation and community. This horizon of hope and possibility is rooted in deepening our relationship with the sacred Earth, the living presence of the Spirit in all creation.

This 5-day extended retreat will focus on awakening to Earth's shimmering web of life and grounding our awareness and action in our sacred interconnectedness. This retreat will offer a rhythm of Earth meditations, silence, contemplative reflection and ritual, indoors and outdoors. In the beauty of silence and the blessing of our circle at Dayspring, we will focus on listening and responding to creation’s cry.

Our meditation themes will be opening to oneness in wonder; in loss and grief; in co-creativity; and in committed action for healing and hope. “In God’s great mercy, we are being given new birth into a living hope.” (1 Peter 1:3)

Leaders: Ann Dean and Leah Rampy. Ann is a spiritual director, member of the Dayspring Retreat Mission Group and Program Director at the Shalem Institute for Spiritual Formation. Leah is the former Executive Director of Shalem where she continues to lead pilgrimages as well as programs on contemplative leadership. Both are long-time leaders of retreats, committed to contemplative prayer and Earth awareness as crucial dimensions of healing and hope for our broken world.

The Cost for this retreat is $450 with a $100 deposit.