April 26, 2024

Practicing Forgiveness - A Weekend Retreat back

July 22 - July 24, 2016


Theme: PRACTICING FORGIVENESS.  Jesus said, “When you pray, say: Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread, and forgive us our sins, as we forgive everyone who sins against us.” What does it mean to forgive? How do we find the path to forgiveness? In the silence, we will be invited to contemplate the example of those who are known for their capacity to forgive, to look with compassion on those who have wronged us, and to practice forgiveness towards others and ourselves.
Leader: Deborah Sokolove is the Director of the Center for the Arts and Religion at Wesley Theological Seminary, where she teaches courses in art, worship, and culture. She is also the author of Sanctifying Art: Inviting Conversation between Artists, Theologians, and the Church and Calling on God: Prayers for Three Years of Sundays and a long-time member of Seekers Church.