April 24, 2024

Dying to Self, We Live: A Weekend Retreat back

March 11 - March 13, 2016


Theme: DYING TO SELF, WE LIVE.  Much of life is lived at the intersection of death and life.  To encounter courageously and humbly the numerous deaths of ego that inevitably come to each of us--deaths of achievement, self-pity, prestige, control, clinging to our own agenda--is to come more fully alive.  In this desert season of Lent, we will invite a deeper awareness of our particular strategies for survival, the ways we have avoided "letting go and letting God," and we will offer them prayerfully for God's healing.  In the midst of this gathered community, with minimal words of instruction, we will seek deep solitude to see ourselves more clearly and to be gently loved as we are.

Leader: Kayla McClurg is administrator-minister for the Church of the Saviour.  She facilitates inward/outward, an online space for reflection on the spiritual journey and a gateway for learning about the churches and ministries, and serves as resident manager of Andrew's House, a guest house for out-of-town visitors and seekers.